Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rose Wednesday!

I stumbled upon something called Rose Wednesday and, I know its a bit cheeky for a newbee like me, but I had to join in!! I do not own any rose China or quilts like some of the other wonderful bloggers who are part of the Rose group but I do so love roses, the smell is so good and heavy and the leaves are like velvet! I love the big plump pretty old ones like this one. Sorry I do not know its name!

Someone told me in England there is a guy who has a company who sells "old Roses" his website is

( oops that was a bit big I look as if I'm shouting! Sorry!

and his name is David Austin so I visited his site and look what I found! I wish I had green fingers or there was smellervisionor smeller cyberspace cos I bet this rose smells divine don't you!

I was so worried abut using a copyright photo that I had to take it off as I got too stressy and instead I have posted an image of old roses by the American Artist about whom you can learn more here her name is Marion W Hylton and I love her work! I hope you do too! I have written to her to ask if its OK to use her image!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I think sometimes some of us forget how to play and just have fun. Too busy watching how people see us to just be ourselves. That to me is sad , it is even sadder when you meet kids like that, its like they are not even kids at all. I found this quote from the Actor Mel Brooks... he says...

"If you're alive, you got to flap your arms and legs, you got to jump around a lot, you got to make a lot of noise, because life is the very opposite of death...if you're quiet, you're not living. You've got to be noisy or at least your thoughts shuold be noisy and colorful and lively".

So here I am flapping my arms and a hollering fit to bust just to prove to me I am still alive!! When was the last time you ran in the wind or just hollered or laughed out loud for fun? When did you last really smile a big happy smile? Go on try!! Tell me what makes you laugh most!

Time to appreciate

Let us learn to appreciate

there will be times
when the trees will be bare,

and look forward to the time
when we may pick the fruit.

-Anton Chekhov

I hope you like the art work it is by Mary Segal ( if you look here you can read all about her and see more of her work
. I really like it.)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hi and Welcome!

Hi there and welcome to my blog.

I have about had it up to here with tales of gloom so I wanted to do a blog that would show people what fun and great stuff there is out there in the world if you just stop thinking about yourself for a moment and take the time to look . As Abraham Lincoln once said " Most people are about as happy as they want to be", so I am determined to be very happy indeed and to try and remember everyday just how lucky I am. Here I am going to store little bits and pieces of happiness and beauty I find on the net for anyone who wants to to share.

If you would rather be miserable and feel sorry for all of things you don't have instead of feeling lucky for having all the good things you do , then go play somewhere else please!

Best wishes
